The weeks preceding Christmas, we will be going back to chapters one and two of Luke as precursor of our Luke series: Tables & Sinners.
Jesus’ stated mission was pursuit. Pursuit of the lost. Pursuit. One of the consistent ways that he did this was both surprising and effective—sharing a meal with people. He offered what was known as table fellowship to all who would receive Him. A teacher of the law would share table fellowship only with respectable Jews, but Jesus pursued the disrespected with priority while not excluding all others. Jesus extends strategic hospitality, over and over using the common and beautiful tool of a table to pursue sinners. In a sense, everywhere He went, he brought the table with Him—offering his Words and Himself as food and drink and always laying out for people a table in the presence of their enemies. No matter if there was earthly food present or not. Jesus was pursuing us, pursuing sinners, at the table.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” Luke 19:10