His Life – Our Salvation
Videos & Devotionals
Easter | The Resurrection: The Antidote to Fear
April 12, 2020
Virtual Gathering Devotional
Holy Communion — (Optional)
Jesus instituted Communion as a great physical reminder of His presence, his sacrifice and his victory (Luke 22:19-20). While it will not be our regular practice to participate in Communion during quarantine, we did want to pause on Easter Sunday and present the option of participating in Communion for life groups who wish to partake after the message.
In a time when we cannot be with one another, it is a comfort to know that each of us can hold a solid piece of bread and a physical cup at the same time as our brothers and sisters hold the same physical elements—on the other side of a Zoom call.
If you partake in Communion, we encourage you to draw people's attention to the physicality in what they are holding, real bread, real juice, or wine. Remind them that Jesus is present with each person in each home through the Holy Spirit and that these physical elements are a tangible reminder of this spiritual reality. Remind them that it is this reality that binds us together even as we are physically distant (Romans 12:5, Colossians 3:3)
After setting that context, start with the bread and read the words of Jesus as recorded by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:23-24. Take the bread together.
Next, take the cup and read 1 Cor. 11:25-26. Drink together—closeout by praying a prayer of blessing and thanks.
In the past week what thoughts have been occupying your mind? How might the reality of the resurrection confront those thoughts?
The resurrection of Jesus marks an inauguration of a new age that will be fully realized with the return of Jesus. This means that we live in age between the ages, where the pain and evil of this world confront the peace of goodness of life in Jesus.
How have you encountered Jesus in this past week as you have navigated life?
The resurrection reminds of what has been accomplished, what will be accomplished with the resurrection at the end of the age as Jesus returns, and the life we now have access to because of what Jesus has accomplished.
In light of the reality of the resurrection, how might your thoughts and emotions shift in regards to your present situation? What might it look like for you to remind yourself of what Jesus has accomplished throughout your next week?
Commit to remind one another of what Jesus has accomplished through the resurrection throughout this next week. Take time to pray for each other.
He is risen, he is risen indeed!
Palm Sunday | The Expectation-Defying King
April 5, 2020
Virtual Gathering Devotional
As we enter into Holy Week, we consider the last week of Jesus' earthly life. As we do, we are confronted with the reality that often times we fail to see what God is doing. So many people had expectations for what Jesus would and should do. He defied those expectations and accomplished something far more significant than anyone would have dared to dream.
1. In this time of quarantine and confusion, what sorts of expectations do you have of God that may or may not be fair?
2. If you look with the eyes of the Spirit, what more important thing is He up to in your own heart and life that goes beyond your expectations?
As we discussed last week, it's healthy and Biblical to lament and share first to God and then with others how we're feeling and what we're struggling with.
Allow space for people to share honestly. How they are, what expectations are hard to let go of and be sure to encourage people to share thoughts on what good they are seeing God work in their hearts even if it is difficult.
We follow the conquering King. The one who didn't just defeat a political enemy—he conquered the ultimate foe of all humanity—sin darkness and death.
Colossians 2:15
"Having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."
1. What areas in your heart do you need the conquering King to free you from worry or fear?
There is no shame in experiencing fear, we are all wrestling with uncertainty and learning to walk by faith. Fear and sin grow in the dark when we bring thoughts, sins, and fears into the light we can be healed.
Colossians 1:12–14
12 He made it so you could take part in the inheritance, in light granted to God's holy people. 13 He rescued us from the control of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. 14 He set us free through the Son and forgave our sins.
Encourage one another to share their fears and concerns, let them know that you'll close your time in prayer. Make a note of who shared what and be sure to cover them in prayer. Also encourage people to share with a trusted friend, sins they may need to confess this week.
Finally, we are Kingdom people—Gospel people. We are a Christ-centered, Spirit-enabled family on mission. We must remind one another that the goal of our lives is not survival. The goal of our lives is to know and glorify God. This is a good week to remember that our humble, conquering, crucified King is also the welcoming King.
1. This week what are ways that God is inviting you into proclaiming His mercy to others or participating in acts of mercy for the common good?
2. What creativity might God want to unleash in ways that we can pray, connect, invite, and serve?
Discuss ideas and things that you can encourage one another to do as individuals or as a group to join Jesus on His mission this Easter week.
Closeout with a time of prayer. Remind the group that God may be moving during this time of quarantine through giving visions or dreams. Encourage the group to pray with the Spirits leading but encourage the exercise of the prophetic and create room for people to share what God is speaking. Remember to pray for one another and address the fears shared earlier in your group.
All is grace.