Gifts Test
A couple of things before you proceed with the test.
Mercy Commons acknowledges the nuances* associated with the subject of Spiritual Gifts, as there is a wide spectrum of respected views on this topic. We are aware that our categories extend beyond the traditional gifts list.*
Please note that these results will be more of an estimate (or even a guesstimate) than a final and conclusive report! This is merely a tool to start you on a journey and it certainly should not have the last word! In fact, our longer list is not even complete (we excluded martyrdom… you’re welcome:)
The point here is that Jesus’ church is a body in which every member should lovingly** play its part. So, what part will you play? ***
* Some gifts are clearly SUPERNATURAL (such as miracles or healing) while other gifts may seem more like a NATURAL ABILITY to do something which can be leveraged for spiritual good (like hospitality or craftsmanship). Still, other gifts may be more like a SKILL ACQUIRED over time or through study (administration perhaps) while others sound like a PERSONALITY TRAIT (like encouragement). Lastly, certain gifts are actual OFFICES (a specific role with responsibilities) that some people hold within the church.
It’s also worth mentioning that several of them are DISCIPLINES which all Christians should be doing regardless of whether it’s their gift or not (prayer, serving, giving and evangelism to name a few). The difference being that ‘a gift’ would likely be characterized by a kind of ‘ease’, often accompanied by ‘higher than usual’ levels of joy when exercised.
** 1 Corinthians 13 teaches that even the greatest gifts are rendered null and void when exercised without love!
*** Get perspective from those around you on whether they agree with the results or not (your life group, leaders, friends and family). Pray and ask God for more opportunities where you can use these gifts and strengths.
Assessment Tool
Read each statement and record your initial reaction. Do not overthink this – in general, your first response is the best. This (gift assessment) should take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete (the results are ‘live’ at the bottom of the page - DO NOT LEAVE THE PAGE IF YOU ARE BUSY TAKING IT, PROGRESS WILL BE LOST).
TIP: Print this page (or export as PDF) to save your results!