Anchored | God is Love


Devotional Questions

Reread 1 John 4:7-18 as a group before you start to reflect together.

  1. The type of love that God exhibits towards His creation has been described as a rugged commitment. How do you see this on display throughout the bible?

  2. As you reflect on love flowing from the triune nature of God, what comes to mind?

  3. What and who have you given your attention to in this last week? What might it look like for you to pay attention to what God is doing in you and around you?

  4. What are some practical ways you can demonstrate God’s love to those around you this next week?

  5. How does reflecting on the love of God confront your definition of love and what it means to partner with Him in advancing the Kingdom?

Take some time to pray around the love of God. 

Pausing to slow down and be sensitive to the Spirit and aware of ourselves.

Rejoicing in the love of God in your own life, the world and in the library of scripture

Asking for the Spirit to renew our minds so that we may know that we are deeply loved by God. That we would be a people that abide in Him, and seek to love others from that shelter.

Yield to the work of the Spirit in your life and for one another.