Colossians | Held Together in Honor

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The world and media sources encourage contemptuous attitudes towards each other. God to stand for truth and to stand united with our brothers and sisters in Christ. How can we dismantle contempt? Through creating a culture of honor. By bearing with and forgiving one another. And by learning from one another.


Reflection questions around the Sunday message:

  • Where have you seen cultures of honor modeled well? What are ways you could create a culture of honor in your family, friend circle, or places of work?

  • How have you experienced the compassionate heart of God in your own life? What does it look like for you to be compassionate towards others?

  • Nick shared that compassion, kindness, patience, and humility as factors of a culture of honor. Of these four, where do you sense an invitation from the Spirit to grow?

  • What are things you have learned from members in your life group that you can honor them for?

  • Pray for opportunities to share the hope of Jesus as King over all creation in the midst of a tumultuous week.