Colossians | Held Together in Partnership

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How are we held together as partners and friends on mission? By recognizing and honoring tenacious loyalty. By being resolute and restoring. By challenging and encouraging each other to love and good deeds.


Reflection questions around the Sunday message:

  • Who are you actively encouraging in your life, and who is actively encouraging you?

  • What are some things you are grateful for in your life group?

  • How might Jesus be inviting you to pray more specifically for someone within your life? Who are people you know who have rich prayer lives?

  • Is there someone Jesus may be inviting you to forgive who has wronged you? In this season what might reconciliation look like? If reconciliation is difficult, why is that so?

  • Have you been called out before? What was that experience like? Why may Jesus be inviting you to surrender to him, and what may he be encouraging you to do more of?