God @ Work | Is God at Work in My Work?
Psalm 105:16-24 // Sometimes God does not seem to be at work in our work, in fact sometimes He seems to be completely absent. Yet, God is shaping us in every situation. God is shaping creative service & humble boldness – all motivated by love.
Reflection Questions
Resume virtues vs. eulogy virtues: God is at work in us forming eulogy virtues. (Character over competence or charisma).
How is your work sanctifying you right now? What in your character is being given the chance to grow and strengthen?
Genesis 40:14-15, Genesis 41:14-16, Genesis 41:33-36, Genesis 50:19-21 – the journey of Joseph. God takes the long view of things. This can lead to Him feeling absent. Work can be hard because of our own immaturity, persecution or because we are being formed. We see all of these at play in the life of Joseph. How can you tell the difference in your life?
The pits and prisons of our jobs have the potential to shape our character.
Where do you have the chance to offer compassion and service in your work place?
What hidden gift is God trying to call out of you?
Where do you need reminding that God is in control?
Where do you need to step out with courage and humility?
God has placed you in a specific place to accomplish his purpose. How, specifically, can you be a road sign to point people to Jesus? (Creative service, humble boldness, motivated by love).