Tables & Sinners – Introduction


Luke 1:1-4, Luke 3:10-22 // Jesus engages in strategic hospitality, over and over, using the common and beautiful tool of a table to pursue sinners. The fact that food was used as a literary device as well as the fact that Luke intentionally records these moments of eating shows us the earthy, gritty reality of how Jesus operated as well as showing us what the new kingdom is like. It is not about ideas and philosophy, it is as concrete and practical as the meal we are eating. Everywhere He went, he brought the table with Him—offering his Words and Himself as food and drink.

“In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus is either going to a meal, at a meal, or coming from a meal.” – Robert Karris

Reflection Questions

  • Read Luke 3 out loud together. Was there anything that stuck out to you as you read it?

  • What has your experience been of receiving affection and attention from those closest to you? Do you sense both the affection and attention of God?

  • How might the reality of your identity in Jesus being primary over a sense of utility for advancing the kingdom affect your interactions with God and others?

  • Are there people in your life that Jesus may be inviting you to bring to your table? Pray for them and pray for opportunities for invitation.