Reimagining Emotional Regulation


Hebrews 4:15 // True resilience is a beautiful and it's a wonderful characteristic. It's something that God himself will shape in us as we continue to turn to Him little by little as best we can. Learn to abide in Christ, to connect to Him. Jesus is the source of our resilience. He is our strength. He is the one who gives us a different reality to stand on. When we do that, we find that the resilience that God shapes in us doesn't leave part of our humanity behind. It's not cruel to our emotions and it doesn't mean that you have to deny hurts or pretend that everything is fine so that you can just muscle up and carry on in the same way. As we continue to turn to God, we find that there is an ability to move forward. Not only do we have Christ, but we also have the body of Christ - His church. He sent us himself in human form with a nervous system and full emotions. Jesus came in the flesh. He then gave us His spirit and gave us one another to embody Him and be His hands and His feet through our care and love for each other.


 The Pause App (30 Days to Resilient - A Guided Prayer Experience)

 Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - book

 Anatomy of the Soul - book

 Why Emotions Matter - book

Get Your Life Back: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad