Resurrection Sunday: The Ultimate Disruption


Luke 24:13-32 // What did Jesus disrupt through His life, death, and resurrection? Jesus disrupted who has access to God, where we gain access to God, and what we have to do to gain access to God. We now no longer have to fear death! Sin can be dealt with and suffering has meaning. The future is full of hope!


Reflection Questions

  1. Our view of Jesus can be easily obscured by our unmet expectations. What things in your life make it hard for you to see where Jesus is at work? Where do you need to ask Jesus to reveal himself?

  2. Jesus disrupted all things, He brought significant change – who, where and how you could access God. How does being called a child of God change who we are and what we do?

  3. How does the resurrection change how we view our life and death? ( John 10:10) How does it redeem this life? Death does not need to be feared, sin can be dealt with, suffering is not meaningless and lonely, the future is hopeful.

  4. Who can draw the best picture of Nick with a mullet?