Philippians | The Birth of the Philippian Church

Nick Saltas / Acts 16

Sermon Questions

What a great start to our Philippians series “Remember to Forget.” As we mentioned this past Sunday, so often we hold onto things we should be letting go of and so often we forget to remember the things that are most important to our lives as Christ followers.

Here are the 4 main point covered: (Read them to your Group)

A Re-Defined Family on Mission:

1. Values momentum over clarity

2. Needs to be tough but not hard

3. Desire leadership AND consensus

4. Needs to be a hospitable, inclusive & intentional community

As a group have someone read Acts 16:1-40 and while they read listen for the themes covered in this Sundays message.

Question #1 - As a group go around the room and mention briefly your last “major life decision.” Maybe you changed jobs, moved homes, decided to have another child, changed your major in college... You get the idea.

What process did you use to reach your decision and why did you use that approach?

Question #2 - As a community when we sense the Spirits leading we have learn to value momentum over clarity. What this does not mean is that we recklessly run at any idea we get excited about. But what it does mean is that when we genuinely believe God is asking us or directing us in something he wants us to do we error on the side of obedience rather than obsessing about having every detail planned out.

How have you in the past followed the Spirits leading in reaching a decision to act? And/ Or is there anything you think God might be leading you in that you would like to process with your life group? (Now would be a fantastic time to mention it.)

Question #3 - As a group discuss what you think it meant to be a family on mission that is tough but not hard? What examples did we see in acts 16 or what real life examples have you seen in our community>

Question #4 - Who do you suspect God has placed before you in your everyday life that He wants to introduce to His family? As a group talk to each other about who they are and dream together about how God may use you or even your life group to bring them into eternal salvation.

Sermon Slides