The Rebel and the Worm


Jonah, the rebel prophet, built a shelter from the hot sun while selfishly waiting for God to destroy Nineveh. Like him, we too, build shelters from the pain rather than engage God. How do we avoid the Jonah trap? Look inward, upward, outward.

  • Read Exodus 34:6-7 and watch the video below. Jonah wrestled with God's compassion towards people, as you reflect on this passage what comes to mind? Are there parts of this statement that are more confusing or frustrating to you? If so, why?

  • Are there ways you have seen God's presence in your situations? What form has God been present in your situations?

  • As a work of satire the book of Jonah serves as a mirror to show us our own heart. Through this series are there specific things that the Holy Spirit has revealed to you as an invitation for growth?

  • In this season what are some ways Jesus is inviting you to look outward in partnering with Him in restoring all things? Are there specific relationships or situations that you can invite others to pray with you for courage and boldness to share Jesus?