Singing expresses the condition of our hearts. We sing songs that reflect the way we are feeling. We sing the blues when our heart is broken, we sing a love songs when we are in love. We sing fight songs at sports events, we sing songs of expectation and hope. The season of advent is one of expectation, hope and celebration. We are choosing to intentionally remember the incarnation of God in the form of a child, innocent, weak & vulnerable. We also posture ourselves to long for and wait for His second coming, where Jesus will be revealed in power, triumph, and glory. The songs of Christmas give us a unique lens through which we view Jesus’ incarnation. We will journey through 4 songs.
Zechariah’s song. A prophetic song of expectation, his son, John the Baptizer, will be a prophet, the forerunner preparing the way for the Messiah.
Mary’s song. In response to receiving this astonishing news, and in her uncertainty and disbelief she chooses to magnify the Lord.
The angel’s song. As Jesus is born the angels sing and declare the glory of what has happened. That God has chosen to walk as man with man.
Simeon’s song. A righteous and devout man who was waiting for the Savior of Israel and whom God had told would not die until he had seen the Messiah, sings a song of consolation as he holds Jesus in his arms.
As a people, we are not just shaped by and celebrating one moment where God broke into history. We await his coming again in glory, when the King’s reign shall be on earth as it is in heaven. Let’s engage with faith, hope, love joy and above all expectation!