Holy Week Schedule
We can't wait to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior on Sunday, April 17th. Please join us on Easter Sunday. Following our morning gathering we will have a special Easter lunch, provided by Jav's BBQ; an Easter Egg Hunt, the bounce house and baptisms. We encourage you to invite friends and family to join you.
We will be participating in an all church fast Wednesday through Saturday during Holy Week. Our fast will begin the evening of Holy Wednesday and end on Saturday morning. We will be gathering for prayer on Wednesday, April 13 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. for worship and prayer as we begin the fast. A free Holy Week devotional will be available that week with a daily reading and information on fasting written by members of the Mercy Commons community.
Join us on April 15th for Good Friday. We will be gathering at the YMCA from 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. We are excited to have Friends Church join us for this Good Friday evening gathering. This will be a family friendly event. Children will be welcome in the gathering and no separate childcare will be available.
As a part of our Easter Gathering we will be doing Baptisms. If you are interested in being baptized please email Nick (nick@mercycommons.church).
On April 22 and 23 we will be working to serve Richman Elementary teachers through Love Fullerton. We will be cleaning, organizing, and redecorating the Richman Elementary Staff Lounge. We will also be engaging the students of Richman elementary's YMCA after school program in a student clean up project at Richman Park.
Serving Days and Times
April 22 from 4-8pm
April 23 from 8am-2pm
or both!
Interested in helping with
Please keep an eye out for the Love Fullerton release forms which will be emailed to you. They are required to be filled out and signed in order you to participate in the volunteer day.