Colossians | Holding Heaven and Earth Together


Colossians 1:15-23 is one of the most beautiful, poetic, powerful and empowering portraits of our Savior. It is all about the preeminence of Jesus Christ. He is before all things and in Him ALL THINGS hold together. This week we focus on God’s sovereignty over the spiritual realm. Spiritual warfare is real and happening all around us. How can we respond?

Life Group Questions

  • What does Colossians 1:15-23 teach us about Jesus?

  • As you have reflected on this verse, how does it shape the way you see the world around you (workplace, family, friendships, the environment, politics, etc)?

  • What was your reaction to hearing more about the powers and principalities (shocked, anxious, excited, indifferent, etc)?

  • What has been your experience with the demonic?

  • How does the reality of the Kingship and rule of Jesus in this passage confront your lived experience of how you perceive Jesus?

  • How does your view of Jesus and His authority impact your life (be specific if you are comfortable)?

  • In what ways does this image of Jesus encourage you?

  • As you've reflected, are there things that are not true of yourself, others, or God that you have been believing?

  • Is there a relationship, a pattern of thought or behavior that you feel stuck in?

  • Do you feel a sense of hopelessness about something? If so, as you are comfortable share those things and pray for one another.

  • How does the reality of being in Christ, the one who holds all things together, impact the way you view the opportunity to tell others of the One in whom all things have been reconciled?