Colossians | The Treasure of ‘Christ in You’


The treasure of the Gospel – “Christ in you.” And know that because Christ is in us, we can live for His kingdom, instead of our comfort. We can grow into maturity, instead of following our own path. We can be empowered by his strength, instead of relying on our own power.


Life Group Questions

  • In what ways is Paul completing the sufferings of Jesus?

  • What does it look like for us as apprentices of Jesus to abide in the sufferings of Jesus?

  • What does it mean in your own life for you to practice abiding in Christ?

  • Are there specific examples in your life of learning what it means to be in Christ by watching how people within our community follow Jesus?

  • In this next season of life, are there any ways in which Jesus is inviting you to learn more about what it means to abide in him?

  • What is your source of strength as you go about your day?

  • In what ways might Jesus be inviting you to depend on Him throughout the day?

  • If you are comfortable sharing, are there any areas that you currently struggle with being willing to be uncomfortable (finances, time, awkward conversations, holding unpopular opinions)?

  • What might you be believing about yourself, God, or the world, that makes it easy to hold tightly to comfort in those areas?

  • How might Jesus be inviting you to abide in Him regards to that area?