Genesis | Envy's Slippery Slope

Shawn Stewart / Genesis 37

Sermon Questions

Last Sunday we mentioned that “the sin under all sin is the false belief that god is withholding from you, and you cannot trust him.” We saw how the other sons of Israel in their envy began to take drastic measures into their own hands to get what they felt was their due. 

  1. Is there a current area of your life or one from recent history that you feel God highlighted through this message? An area that because of envy or just general sinfulness that is causing you to “take matters into your own hands?”

  2. Sometimes when we feel slighted or envious of others we can begin to distort who they are. Think of our reference this Sunday about how the brothers of Joseph referred to him as “that dreamer.” It’s as if he was no longer a human named Joseph but a caricature called that dreamer. take a moment to think about if their is anyone in your life you maybe making a judgement towards and talk with your life group about how you can understand this individual more graciously and get some wisdom and encouragement in how to forgive this individual.

  3. Another thing we unpacked about envy is that it can turn to contempt towards not only others but ourselves. The illustration Shawn shared about the financial hardship he experienced early in his career caused him to label himself as someone who is “just bad with money.” These statements are usually attached with some kind of “that’s just the way it is” statement. Understand that most of these types of statements are rooted in judgments that are based on our hurts not grace. Are there any false labels or contemptuous ideas you may have placed on yourself that God would like to remove?

  4. Lastly, as one of our new monthly rhythms for week 1 of life group, take some time to feedback, discuss and pray into our missional endeavors for last week. What did you do? What happened? and what would you differently if anything? (edited)