Genesis | Unfinished Business

Nick Saltas / Genesis 32:3-32

Relationships are a huge part of our lives. Looking at the unresolved relationship between Jacob and Esau, we can learn to understand what our responsibility is and how to deal with conflict between each other. As we wrestle with God and others, what do we learn about ourselves?

Sermon Questions

  1. How good are you at preparing with prayer before entering into moments of conflict resolution? Think of a time when you have wrestled with God before attempting to resolve conflict vs other times when you do not. Do you notice a difference in the outcome?

  2. Which of the following best describes a moment that we should leave our gift at the alter and go to be reconciled to our brother/sister in Christ?
    A - When we have committed a sin against them.
    B - When our actions have hurt someone else.
    C - When we have done nothing sinful but know they perceive that we have wronged them.
    D - All of the above.

  3. Is there anyone in your life that God is highlighting that may have something against you? Take some time to plan a time when you can speak with them (preferably face to face).

  4. With this weeks life group missional rhythm who can we take time to connect with and pray for as Easter and our alpha series approaches? We are 7 weeks out from Easter / alpha. (edited) 

[ANSWERS: Question #2 = D "All of the above"]