Philippians | Is Contentment Possible?

Nick Saltas / Philippians 4:9-23

Sermon Questions

I hope all of you enjoyed our penultimate installment of our Philippians series “Remember to Forget.” In this Sundays message we taught about how the profound revelation that comes through receiving and believing in the gospel message of Jesus Christ can play out in our thought-life & relationships with others.

Here are a few quotes from Sunday:

“How does relational disunity fit into this text. we often think that relational disunity only affects the immediate parties involved. But in reality it affects everyone in the household.”

“In the church we tend to let things simmer. We allow the flavor of our offense to seep through the fullness of our lives. when we let our anger simmer we live in a place of insecurity and anxiety.”

“What comes into our minds when we think about god is the most important thing about us” // “God never hurries. there are no deadlines against which he must work. Only to know this is to quiet our spirit and relax our nerves.” - AW Tozer

  1. Do you have imaginary arguments in your head with people or do you let things go quickly?

  2. Why do you think Paul is so concerned about the relational disunity of Euodia & Syntyche? What are the all the potential negative side affects of such division for them personally and for the community of believers in Philippi?

  3. We mentioned this Sunday to “Talk to Jesus before we embark on the pure parade of gossip that we call advice.” So often we seek to include others with impure motives. How have you done this well or poorly in the past and what were the outcomes for you and others involved?

  4. With such a great American tradition of Thanksgiving approaching take a moment to think, pray and plan how we can include others in our celebrations this season (friendsgiving perhaps… maybe invite a co-worker, old friend or neighbor.) (edited)

Praesent id libero id metus varius consectetur ac eget diam. Nulla felis nunc, consequat laoreet lacus id.
— Jonathan L.