Psalms: A Summer of Songs – Intro


The psalms point to Jesus, were sung by Jesus, and help us connect to Jesus. Psalms and poetry ignite our imagination. They may be descriptive of a very simple thing, but the arrangement of the words makes it powerful, memorable and emotional. When we dive deeper into this psalm (Psalm 122), we are able to see the thread of God’s purpose, we are the new Israel the church. Jerusalem WAS the dwelling place of God but now WE are! 

Reflection Questions

  • What does it look like for you to ask God for help to increase you emotional width? What reservations come with that ask?

  • What reaction do you have to the idea of openly lamenting?

  • What does a safe space look like for you/what does safety mean to you? What helps you feel safe?

  • How has someone else’s act of worship inspired you to worship or changed your perception of worship?

  • How does it feel to ask for help? How does it feel to be able to offer help to someone else?

  • What do you worship? In your times of individual searching, what is it that takes the throne of joy? How have you let God re-order those things back into their proper places?

  • What does it look like for you to not be glad to go to the house of the Lord? How does Jesus’ reaction of having to go to Jerusalem influence your aforementioned response?