Spiritual Worship Requires a Body

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“Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” The problem is we don’t love, nourish, attend to, and protect our body. When we don’t, it’s not neutral - it is opposite.

  • Reflection Questions

  • How have you seen breakdowns in the body be handled graciously? In what ways have you seen conflict ultimately produce unity?

  • What do you fill distance and lack with? What has helped and what has hurt?

  • What does connection or recronecition look like for you? What do you want it to look like?

  • What feelings came up for you when you heard Nick’s translation of Romans 12:9-18?

  • How have you audaciously prayed in the past? How have those prayers been answered? How have those prayers not been answered? What stops you from praying audaciously?

  • What does it look like to be in need of one another? What feelings are associated with needing others? What does it look like for you to ask for help?

  • How do you live in your own reality and fight the temptation of comparison? What has helped and what has hurt?

  • When Nick said, ‘you cannot out-pray Jesus in prayer,’ how did that make you feel? Inspired? Terrified? Doubtful? How has that impacted the way that you pray this week?