The Rebel City's Revival (Almost)


Did Nineveh experience true revival? How does our call as disciples change the city we are in? Sometimes God will use disasters as instruments of mercy. Sometimes he will use negative events to grab our attention. In a world that seeks to medicate our pain, numb it, ignore it, we can miss the message of God. Pain humbles us and opens the door to repentance.

Our call is to revel in the mercies of God. Know Him deeply. Where you cannot imagine life without Him and from that place called to proclaim this message that leads to repentance for those who hear it. People around us are revived and we demonstrate the mercies of God in the way we live and we participate in acts of mercy here and across the earth as we reform the world around us.


Life groups will not be meeting this week instead. Instead we will be meeting on the YMCA Fullerton soccer field to pray for our church, community, and the nation. Join us Wed, Feb 10 from 6-7pm!