The Rebel Preacher


Just like Jonah we have all heard God’s voice to arise, go, and share the Gospel with our neighbors and even our enemies. We must remember we carry a scent and our message carries a scent. The message: no one is innocent, we are all active rebels; we are spiritually impotent; only God can save; no one is beyond God’s grace – even our “Ninevites.” The scent of this message should not be disguised.


Reflection questions around the Sunday message:

  • What is the gospel? Read 1 Cor. 15 either as a group or individually and remind each other of what we are commissioned to proclaim.

  • How have you experienced the rich generosity of Jesus this past week?

  • Are there ways Jesus is inviting you to rethink how you live your life to more fully reflect the reality of being in Him?

  • What are some practical ways you could posture yourself to be more attentive to the leading of the Spirit?

  • Are there parts of the hope we have in Jesus that you shy away from sharing?

  • Pray for opportunities this week to share the good news through our words and through the way we live.