Tables & Sinners – Dealing with Disappointment
Luke 7:18-35 // Expectations are tricky and dangerous. Cynics expect nothing from anybody - or the polar opposite - naive persons have high expectations and believe everyone. No matter where we land along the spectrum there is always a gap between reality and our expectations. Jesus exposes and confronts our expectations.
Reflection Questions
As you answer these questions the goal is not to create a sense of shame. It is an opportunity to invite the Spirit into your inner thoughts. As a follower of Jesus, you are accepted as you are, yet by the kindness of God, the Spirit wants to bring healing and growth to become more like Jesus. Think of it as an upward spiral as you journey with Jesus.
Where in the last week or month have you encountered unmet expectations that you have of God? Do you feel comfortable sharing your frustrations about this with God?
Where in the last week or month have you encountered unmet expectations with yourself? Where might those expectations come from? Are they realistic?
Where in the last week or month have you encountered unmet expectations with your friends or family? In those situations were the expectations realistic and agreed upon? Were you able to clarify expectations with that person?
If you want to hear more about clarifying expectations here is a good intro podcast from Pete Scazzero: click here.