Tables & Sinners – Restorative Rest
Luke 6:1-11 // How do we rediscover the lost art of the Sabbath rhythm? How do we establish strategic rhythms of rest that allow us to heal and recover so that we avoid injury or burnout and continue to progress in our journey of becoming more like Jesus? A strategic prescription for deep and effective rest: Stop. Rest. Delight. Worship. When we spend time with God, the lies that satan has planted in our minds are uprooted and our true identity is restored in our Creator.
Reflection Questions
What does it look like your life right now to find a period of time to stop? Do you have the time, and if not, are there practical things your life group can do to help you space?
Neil used the image of light sleep and REM sleep to describe rest. What noises (people, activities, expectations) are yelling at you that keep you from resting? How might the Spirit be inviting you to acknowledge your own emotions?
Sabbath should be a time of delight! What are some things you love doing?
How do you experience the presence of God in your life? Worshipping on the Sabbath may look similar to how God already interacts with you! What are some practices that help you to engage with God?
As you reflect on, "stop", "rest", "delight" and "worship" what is your response? What emotions stir inside of you when you hear them? Is there anything the Spirit might be wanting to bring your mind as you explore those reactions?