Tables & Sinners – Lostness


Luke 15:1-32 // Looking at the parable of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. Types of lostness: unintentional wandering off (the sheep), unconscious lostness (the coin), active rebellion (younger son), ignorant self-righteousness (the older son). Questions to ask in our lostness: where is the Shepherd, where is the flock, where is my home? Questions to ask about other who are lost: are they like the lost sheep, the lost coin, or the prodigal son?


  • What are some ways that God is teaching and showing you more about who He is?

  • What are some ways that God is teaching you more about what you are like?

  • Where is the Shepherd? How have you been encountering God recently? Maybe through specific spiritual practices or other rhythms.

  • Pray for opportunities to partner with God in inviting those experiencing lostness to come to call on Jesus as their Savior.