Genesis | The God Who Provides

Karin Saltas / Genesis 22:1-19, Romans 12:1-2

Genesis 22 tells the story of the Lord who provides in the midst of trials. He graciously gives us all things, not even withholding His only Son.

Sermon Questions

  1. What is one thing you hope God never asks you to do? (18 year old Karin’s example would most likely be something like… “I hope God never asks me to speak publicly in front of our church congregation.)

  2. We mentioned this Sunday how God often uses challenges in our lives to refine us and prepare us for greater kingdom endeavors in the future. As a group can you recall the challenges God used to refine Abram into Abraham and Sarai into Sara? What challenges did they go through leading unto the ultimate challenge of being asked to sacrifice Issac.

  3. Why do you think God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? Why would God actually ask someone to do something he knew they would willingly do and call them off at the last minute? What was He unto?

  4. Can you trace some of the challenges God has used in your past to get you ready for today? (Think like Karins story of her father Jim forcing her to talk to the college administration office that helped prepare her to preach this past Sunday). 5. What do you God may be asking you to trust in or lay down in this current season of life.

    NOTE: If you are meeting as an LG this week for discussion please take a moment to pray for the LG’s in our community that will be out in the city this week engaging our neighbors intentionally on mission. We are less than 12 weeks away from Alpha’s Launch.