Genesis | The God Who Sees and Hears

Nick Saltas / Genesis 16:1-16, Galatians 4:4-7

The story of Genesis 16 reminds us that God is the Lord who hears us and sees us and out of his great compassion, acts on our behalf.

Sermon Questions

Hi guys, Here are this weeks sermon questions. Remember next week we will engaging our city in missional rhythms or service projects. Be sure to discuss and pray as a group your plan for next week. the following week when we gather as a life group again we will debrief how week 4 went for each of us.

  1. ICE BREAKER: Are you more of a “peace keeper” or a “peace maker?” (Yes there is a difference). 

  2. What was the pattern that we saw emerge in Sarai’s discussion making and where did it come from?

  3. Why do you think Sarai asked Abram to sleep with Hagar?

  4. Have you ever felt that you just couldn’t wait for God any longer and decided to take things into your own hands? What was going on and how did that go?

  5. How would you re-write this cultural pattern of how to respond in times of suffering into its biblical counterpart?
    - STEP 1 - Find Someone to BLAME.
    - STEP 2 - INFLICT PAIN on others.
    - STEP 3 - ABDICATE our responsibility. 
    - STEP 4 - ESCAPE and run from the situation.