Philippians | Upward Call in Christ Jesus

Matt Martinez / Philippians 3:12-4:1

Sermon Questions

It was great having Matt & Shannon Martinez from Capital City Church with us this past Sunday as we continued our series on Philippians “Remember to Forget.” At the heart of Matt’s message was a radical call to trust and follow Jesus in our new life as Christians. He reminded us that:

“The gospel doesn’t Just change our lives but he exchanges our live. He doesn’t just spit shine something that is old or dirty He replaces things that are totally different. Its not positive change in the right in direction its internal transformation producing a new way of living.”

  1. For an ice breaker have each member of your life group talk about something (preferably embarrassing) you used to be do or be into when you were a child that you are no longer really excited about. (I used to eat my boogers).

  2. If you could make a wish and have something change about your spiritual life what would it be and why?

  3. What are some of the largest distractions, habits or even responsibilities that seem to pulling at your attention and growth in Christ?

  4. As a group discuss how we can incorporate our faith in Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit into every area of our lives. Are there any in your life group that feel they are growing in this? Maybe ask them to share what change led to this and what practices they use to accomplish this.