Philippians | Count It All As Loss

Travis Cory / Philippians 3:1-11

Sermon Questions

This Sunday we continued our sermon series on Philippians “Remember to Forget.” We discussed the dangers and pitfalls Paul warns us to watch out for regarding our “self-righteousness.”

  1. In this text, Paul was passionately confronting the misinformation the “Judaizers” were spreading in the early church. What exactly were they recommending?

  2. Why do you think Paul was so passionate about his defense? What was at the heart of the issue that caused Paul to become so direct and protective of his people? (See Gal 5:12)

  3. This trap may not look the same but it is still prevalent today. We may not feel obligated or guilty for not following the Law of Moses or honoring the sabbath but we still have the temptation to self-qualify our standing before God. How does that look in our current cultural moment? What types of things do you or people you know do that seem like an attempt to prove our worthiness or holiness?

  4. Lastly, are there any mistakes or messes in your life that you feel are too big for Jesus? Is there anything you are trying to clean up that you feel God is too busy or will be too embarrassed to deal with? Those very things identify the areas of Self-Righteousness in our lives.

  5. Take some time to encourage one another through prayer and ask God to enter our messes on behalf of one another.