Colossians | Protection from Empty Philosophy


The whole point of delusions is that you don’t know that you are being conned. Am I in danger of being deluded? Yes, if you are depleted, exhausted, isolated, or separated. In the second chapter of Colossians, we learn how to protect ourselves from delusion and how to say strong together as a body of believers with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.


Life Group Questions

Paul is reminding and inviting the church in Colossae to have a renewed understanding of the centrality of Jesus as over all things.

This reality butts up against the powers and principalities of this present age. Jesus is to be the foundation from which we do all things.

  • What are some practical ways that you might remain rooted to Jesus through His body?

  • Are there areas of your life where you feel like you would rather receive Jesus as a handyman rather than as King?

  • If you feel comfortable, share those and make sure to pray for one another for the Spirit to continue to bring healing.

  • What sorts of ideas, world-views, and perspectives on the world do you encounter throughout your week?

  • How does your belief in Jesus confront those ideas, world-views and perspectives?

  • In conversations with people who hold a different worldview than you what are some practical questions you can ask to begin to understand them more?

  • How might Jesus be inviting you to engage with those around you in this next week?

Pray for opportunities to share the good news that Jesus is King and through submitting ourselves to Him we have new life.

Pray for opportunities to listen to people different than you, and for wisdom to know how to respond in those situations.