Psalms: Participating with God Guest UserAugust 15, 2021Mercy Commons FullertonPsalms: A Summer of Songs, Psalms, Travis Cory, Needy, Help
James: Warning the Wealthy Guest UserJune 6, 2021Mercy Commons FullertonJames: An Embodied Faith, james, Travis Cory, Wealth, Hoarding, Generosity
Colossians | Held Together in Freedom Guest UserNovember 8, 2020church, held together, colossians, Travis Cory
Ruth: God in the Shadows | Misunderstandings Guest UserJuly 5, 2020Ruth, Travis Cory, God in the Shadows
Genesis | Building Wisdom Guest UserMarch 8, 2020Mercy Commons Fullertongenesis like father like son, joseph, Travis Cory, wisdom
Word and Spirit | The Greatest Story Guest UserDecember 29, 2019Mercy Commons FullertonTravis Cory, the greatest story, word and spirit
Philippians | Count It All As Loss Guest UserNovember 3, 2019Philippians - Remember to Forget, Travis Cory, abiding, knowing Jesus, self-righteousness