Genesis | Human Alchemy

Neil Thomas / Genesis 28-31

In this week's sermon, we unpacked how God ministered to Jacob during his 20-year sojourn while he was away from his homeland. Listen and see how God can change us through difficult circumstances.

Sermon Questions

  1. In this portion of Jacob’s life, we see him begin to understand that God is with him in all things. Often in the midst of our life, we can forget the reality that God is with us. What is your first honest reaction to the idea of God being with you in your day today? How is Jesus encouraging you and each other to remind each other that He is with you?

  2. Within Jacob’s life (and our own) we often see that God’s blessings show up in unexpected or unplanned ways over a long period of time. What is your gut reaction to the reality that God’s plan unfolds over many years (as opposed to Prime delivery speed) in a person's life? Why do you feel like you have that response, and what is your experience of God in that response?

  3. Take a moment to think of things in your recent past or present that Jesus is turning from base metals into gold? It could be patterns of thought about yourself or God. Or it could be things you often feel tempted to cling onto. If you are comfortable, share those things and pray for one another. As you pray, be sensitive to how the Holy Spirit wants to speak to those who have shared.

  4. As we have shared the 4th week of the month is set aside to help people engage with their neighbors or the city! Please take some time to share what you are planning to do so that you can pray for each other.