The Rebel Repents?


Repentance is more than remorse. Repentance begins with embracing reality. However, sin distorts our view. So God brings us to the end of ourselves. Our opinion of our abilities can delay our repentance. Repentance is a lifelong journey home. Remember, Someone greater than Jonah is here! Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer!


Reflection questions around the Sunday message:

  • What is your reaction to the idea that God brings us to the end of ourselves? Does it bring a sense of peace, of foreboding, or maybe something else?

  • What are you running from? What would you rather not face? What is God drawing you to face?

  • What is your reaction to the idea of repentance?

  • Have you felt like you are able to bring your full self to God?

  • In this past week how have you experienced the love of Jesus in your life?