The title is wordplay. It attacks the subject from 2 main areas:
Where is God in my work (God, at work)
What work is God doing (God is at work in me through my work.)
We want to bring the Gospel to bear on the area of our life that consumes the majority of our time and energy. Our goal is to enable the church to function within her mandate to glorify God in the context of work while at the same time realizing that God is using our job, boss, employees and clients as shaping tools for our own gospel journey.
We want to dismantle the dominant ideas of work as identity as well as the idea that this is simply a way to make money. We want to challenge the idea that work is only meaningful if it is a social enterprise or ministry work as well as the notion that Christians participate in the mission of God through funding rather than personal engagement.
Human beings were designed to be creative, purposeful and reflectors of the Creator's image. It is our desire to recapture the delight of vocation and not to see vocation as the static thing it once was.Sermons